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An Eye-Opening Solution: Polynucleotides - The Latest Eye Rejuvenation Treatment

If you're tired of looking in the mirror and seeing tired, sagging eyes staring back at you, you're not alone. The skin around our eyes is one of the first areas to show signs of aging, and many of us are on the lookout for effective and non-invasive ways to rejuvenate this delicate area. Enter polynucleotides – the latest eye rejuvenation treatment taking the aesthetics industry by storm.

In this article, we'll explore what polynucleotides are, how they work, and why they're quickly becoming a popular choice for those looking to achieve brighter, more youthful-looking eyes. So sit back, relax, and get ready to discover an eye-opening solution to dark circles, crepey skin and hollowness.

What causes dark circles and eye bags?

Dark under-eye circles can have a variety of causes from dehydration to genetics.

  1. Genetics: Dark circles can be hereditary, and some people may have a natural predisposition to developing them.
  2. Age: As you get older, the skin under your eyes becomes thinner and can appear darker and crepey.
  3. Lack of sleep: Sleep deprivation can cause the skin under your eyes to appear pale, making the blood vessels more visible and giving the appearance of dark circles.
  4. Dehydration: When you're dehydrated, the skin under your eyes can appear dull and sunken, making dark circles more prominent.
  5. Sun exposure: Excessive exposure to the sun can cause pigmentation changes in the skin under your eyes, making dark circles more visible.
  6. Iron deficiency: Anemia or iron deficiency can cause the skin under your eyes to appear pale and dull, making dark circles more prominent.
  7. Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as eczema, can exacerbate dark circles and underlie dryness.
  8. Lifestyle factors: Smoking, alcohol consumption, and poor diet can all contribute to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes

Added to the dark circles, many people are bothered by their tear troughs - the hollows or depressions that can appear under the eyes, which can create a tired or aged appearance.

What treatments are available for dark circles and eye bags?

There are a number of non-surgical and surgical options to treat tear troughs and dark circles, depending on the severity of the hollowing and the desired outcome.

Here are some of the most common treatments:

  1. Dermal fillers: Injecting hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers can add volume to the tear trough area and help to smooth out the appearance of hollowing. This treatment is minimally invasive, requires no downtime, and can last from 6 to 18 months.
  2. Fat grafting: This involves taking fat from another part of the body and injecting it into the tear trough area. Fat grafting can provide long-lasting results, but it is a more involved procedure than dermal filler injections and may require a longer recovery time.
  3. Laser resurfacing: Laser resurfacing can be used to improve the texture and tone of the skin around the tear trough area. This can help to minimize the appearance of hollowing and improve the overall look of the under-eye area.
  4. Blepharoplasty: In more severe cases of tear troughs, a surgical procedure called blepharoplasty may be recommended. This involves removing excess skin and fat from the eyelids and can provide long-lasting results.

But the problem is, not everyone is a good candidate for tear trough filler.

Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as autoimmune diseases or bleeding disorders, may not be good candidates.

But even if, medically, you’re a good candidate, there are some factors which make tear trough filler a less than ideal option for you. For example, if you have extremely thin skin or prominent veins under their eyes, filler could make these issues more noticeable. Additionally, tear trough filler isn’t a good choice if you get puffy eyes in the morning or have prominent malar bags (or festoons) under the eyes. Tear trough filler will likely make these issues worse.

Obviously, like other injectable treatments, tear trough filler is not appropriate during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Ultimately, the decision to undergo tear trough filler should be made in consultation with a qualified healthcare professional, who can evaluate your individual circumstances and determine if the procedure is right for you.

And if you’re not a great candidate? Does that mean there are no non-surgical options available to you?

Not any more!!

Enter polynucleotides.

Polynucleotides (PN) are a type of biopolymer that has gained popularity in aesthetics as a non-surgical option for skin rejuvenation and regeneration. In aesthetics, PN are commonly referred to as "PDRN" (polydeoxyribonucleotide).

PN are made up of chains of nucleotides, which are the building blocks of DNA and RNA. When used in aesthetics, PN are typically derived from the sperm of salmon or trout, and are purified and sterilized for medical use.

PN are believed to have several benefits for the skin, including improving skin texture and elasticity, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and promoting collagen synthesis. They are also thought to have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties, which can help to reduce redness, swelling, and other signs of skin damage.

How can polynucleotides be used to rejuvenate the under eye area?

Polynucleotides (PN) can be used to rejuvenate the under eye area by promoting collagen synthesis and improving skin texture and elasticity. When PN are injected into the under eye area, they can help to fill in hollows or shadows and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.2

The procedure involves injecting small amounts of PN along the tear trough, which is the area between the lower eyelid and the cheek. This can help to fill in hollows and create a more youthful and rested appearance.

It is important to note that tear trough filler with PN should only be performed by a qualified healthcare professional who has experience with the procedure. As with any aesthetic treatment, there are potential risks and complications associated with PN therapy, and it is important to have a thorough consultation with your healthcare provider to determine if it is right for you.

A good place to start for tired eyes

Polynucleotides are proving to be an effective and popular choice for those looking to rejuvenate the skin around their eyes. By stimulating collagen production and improving skin elasticity, polynucleotides can reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and puffiness.

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