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My Transgender Journey with Aesthetic Treatments

Aesthetic treatments really can change lives. Here at Glowday, we’ve heard countless positive stories about people who have undergone non-surgical procedures and have come away looking and feeling fantastic. And one such person is Francine, 70, from Kent, who has been getting feminising treatments since transitioning from male to female several years ago. In this interview, Francine shares her very own story.

Hi Francine! Thanks so much for joining me today. Would you mind talking me through your transition journey? Did you start with facial surgery or non-surgical facial treatments?

I actually transitioned relatively late, but was supported by my friend - and now aesthetic practitioner - Piroska Cavell. She’s great with trans people, and she was the one who really got me going with my transition. In the early days, trans people often didn’t do anything; we just went to clubs, where dressing the way you wanted to was accepted. Then, years later, I decided to have a facelift and facial feminising, which is the biggest thing I have done for my appearance, aside from lower surgery.

Before the facial surgery, I explained to the surgeon that I wanted to feminise my face but that I didn’t want to become artificial-looking and totally over the top. The facelift meant some major face structure change and feminisation, but I totally loved it. It was painful and took some time to heal, but it just completely transformed my feelings about what I was doing, confirming it was absolutely the right thing.

Then, when Piroska opened her aesthetics clinic, I started going to her for anti-wrinkle injections and fillers. Some people start their transition with non-surgical aesthetics, but for me they are a way for me to maintain what the feminising surgery has done for me and to soften lines and wrinkles. She’s done a great job!

Well, you look incredible! It’s so good to hear that you’ve had such a positive experience in terms of your treatments. Apart from the physical changes, have you experienced any psychological benefits as a result of the non-surgical aesthetic treatments?

Botox and fillers have further helped me to mirror what I see on the inside and to maintain what the facelift did for me, as well as soften wrinkles. I think it’s about giving oneself confidence. Knowing that you’re looking reflects how you’re feeling too. These treatments make me feel good and give me confidence to just get on with life.

Every time I’ve had any kind of surgery or aesthetic treatment, I’ve always felt good about it and have never been in any doubt about it. For me, it’s been a real confidence maker.

What would you recommend to anyone who is transitioning and is thinking about getting non-surgical aesthetic treatments like fillers?

I have known people who would like to try aesthetic treatments and have recommended that they do if they feel they want to, but they have to be in the right place in terms of how they’re feeling.

People have said to me, “You’re so brave!” but I’m not brave at all - it’s just something I had to do. I know that a lot of people are very worried about upsetting their friends and family, and there’s quite a lot of fear, which one forgets. I wasn’t afraid at all, but there are some people who worry it’s going to completely change their lives.

With non-surgical aesthetic treatments, if you don’t feel comfortable in your decision, you can reverse it and they’re temporary. But surgery isn’t. If people feel they can look really good on non-surgical treatments like fillers and other masculinising or feminising treatments then I’d say to go for it. The most important thing is that you have to feel that you’re doing it for yourself.

Thanks so much for sharing your experience, Francine! It's great to hear how aesthetic treatments have helped you.

Have non-surgical aesthetic treatments transformed your life? If you'd like to share your story, get in touch at or drop me a DM on Instagram @victoria.glowday

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