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SkinPen: Victoria Beckham’s Favourite Microneedling Treatment Uncovered

Victoria Beckham is back in the press following the Beckham's Netflix documentary, renewing interest in just how she keeps her skin looking so amazingly flawless?!

Victoria has made no secret of the fact that she keeps her skin looking youthful and healthy with the help of the SkinPen - a type of microneedling device. And it’s got to be said that her skin looks fabulous! So, what is the SkinPen, what are the benefits of microneedling, and can we all get skin like Victoria Beckham?

Can I get skin like Victoria Beckham?

From Spice Girl to sizzling fashion designer, Victoria Beckham has been in the public eye for years. And over the last few years, her skin has looked pretty damn good. But, it has to be said that at the age of 49, her skin is, perhaps, looking better than ever. So, how does she do it? Well, of course VB has her own cosmetics line, but she puts her incredible skin down to regular microneedling treatments. And the great thing is that this type of treatment is not just reserved for the rich and famous - we can all book ourselves in for it! And it has amazing benefits! Wooooo!

What is SkinPen?

Ok, so first things first - what is SkinPen? SkinPen is a brand of microneedling. Much like Botox is a brand of botulinum toxin, there are others too that do practically the same thing and give the same results. With microneedling though, there are, in fact, two different methods: your practitioner might use a dermaroller, or they might use a microneedling pen (this is the method VB’s practitioner uses. Popular microneedling brands also include DermaPen, Roll-CIT, MTS-Roller and eDermastamp. Check with your practitioner to see which one they use in clinic.

How does a microneedling pen like SkinPen work?

Microneedling (AKA collagen induction therapy) can sound a bit scary to some but, actually, there’s nothing to be afraid of. The area to be treated is covered in topical anaesthetic, first, and then what happens is the skin is carefully punctured by sterile needles to create teeny weeny channels into the epidermis. This intentional (and controlled) damage forces the skin to jump into action, starting the healing process. This leads to collagen and elastic production, which gives our skin a more youthful appearance. Does it hurt? No, because the anaesthetic stops any pain - so you can just sit back and relax! You’ll likely just be pink afterwards, but the benefits waaay outweigh the lobster look.

Microneedling benefits?

So, what are the benefits of microneedling? The great thing about microneedling treatments like SkinPen is that it works wonders on so many skin concerns. It’s awesome for improving overall skin texture, making skin look smoother and fresher, but it’s also fantastic for minimising the appearance of acne scars, pores, and fine lines and wrinkles. And it’s great for reducing stretch marks, pigmentation and even helping out with hair loss!

It’s a relatively quick treatment - between 30 and 60 minutes - and there’s no need to worry about weeks of downtime as you can be back at work the next day. You know, once you’re looking less lobster. These super benefits last around three months too, so we’re not just talking a week-long glow here.

So, there you go - microneedling in a nutshell! It’s easy to see why Victoria Beckham loves it so much, right? If this seems like the treatment for you, have a look at the lovely AND medically qualified practitioners offering the tweakment on Glowday, where you can search for microneedling near you!

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